Pusher.in Privacy Policy

Revised on the 5th of August, 2024

  1. Introduction

We deeply care about our own privacy. As a result, we care just as much about the privacy of our customers and end users. Pusher.in collects and processes personal information from everyone who visits our publicly available website, communicates with us, creates an account and uses our products and service. On this page, we will give a detailed explanation on how we collect data, why we do so and what you can do about it.

Please carefully review this policy before you submit any information on or through our platform. By visiting our website and by using any part of the Pusher.in services and products, you accept this Privacy Policy and consent to the collection, use, disclosure and sharing of your and the end users’ information as further outlined below.

  1. Pusher.in

Pusher.in provides websites with the tools to send push notifications to their customers, thereby disrupting and streamlining the communication between companies and their customers. We do not directly interact with our customers’ end users as the information that companies submit is shared with us on their sole discretion and in accordance with our Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms”).

  1. What we collect and how we use it

Generally speaking, we only collect relevant and necessary information for the following purposes: to provide you with information about our products and our services, to enable you to access and use those products and services, to analyse our customers’ usage of our products and services, to improve our products and services, and to detect and secure your account from fraudulent or unlawful activity. We will only use your data for the purposes described below and only to achieve those purposes.

When you use our products and services, we collect what commands you have communicated to Pusher.in, your anonymized IP address, how many times you use Pusher.in’s products or services, when the product or service was used by you or your end users, the number of messages sent, the interaction on the message and whether or not the message was delivered successfully. We collect data automatically when we place cookies and other first and third party tracking technologies on your browser. The information we collect would normally include your anonymized IP address, your browser type, which pages have been visited, their order, if the visitor is new or recurring, and other information that we use to assist us in the maintenance and improvement of our website and business. This data will only be used to ensure the website works correctly, to store any preferences you may have registered (e.g. language preference), to remarket our products and services to previous visitors, and to generate and review data and reports describing our website’s User base and usage patterns. If you want to know more about cookies, web beacons, and the way you can change your settings, we refer you to our Cookie Policy below. 

We always collect and store an anonymous identifier from your end-users’ browser to be able to reach them with push notifications. If you have enabled tracking on a domain, we also collect non-personally identifiable (behavioral) data from the visitors and end-users on each domain our products and services are implemented on. This data is stored and processed to the extent that is required for our products and services to function as intended. This data does not contain any personal information and is thus anonymous. The following data is captured for all end-users with an active push notification subscription on the respective domain:

  • Browser Platform (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc)
  • Browser Language (en-US, nl-NL, etc)
  • Browser Timezone (Europe/Amsterdam, America/Phoenix)
  • Device Type (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile)
  • Last Visit (Date/Time of last visit on your domain)
  • Last Visited Page (Last visited URL on your domain)
  • # Notifications Received (Total amount of notifications received)
  • # Notifications Clicked (Total amount of notifications clicked on)
  • Operating System (Android, Windows Desktop, macOS, etc)
  • Subscription Date (Date/Time)
  • Subscription URL (URL the subscriber subscribed on)
  • Visited Page Title (Title of every page visited across your domain)
  • Visited Page URL (URL of every page visited across your domain)
  • # Visited Pages (Total amount of unique pages visited across your domain)
  1. Information we share

Unless you give us permission, we won’t share your or your end users' information with third parties, except when necessary as in these circumstances: 

  • Third-party service providers to perform necessary actions on our behalf. We may share personal information with third-party service providers who need access such as to process payment and to prevent fraud.
  • Compliance with laws. We diligently comply with the applicable laws regarding data protection and privacy. In case of legal obligation, we will present data from users to third parties, such as to report criminal acts or threats to public security to a competent authority.
  1. Data security and compliance obligations

We cannot fully guarantee the safety of the data as we cannot 100% prevent unauthorised access or use of data. However, we take all appropriate measures to keep our and your data as secure as possible. The measures we implement vary on sensitivity of the data involved, state of the art technology, implementation costs, and security risks. All data we store is fully encrypted and cannot be used to send unauthorized messages when stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained. The information within our storage is password protected so that only the User has access to the User's personal and account information. The username and password of the User are strictly personal and should be kept secret under any circumstances. User is responsible for any abuse of the username/password and shall immediately notify us of any loss, theft and/or abuse at info@Pusher.in.io (Subject: Security [URGENT]). We require to use a strong password and all passwords used should satisfy certain conditions to do so.

  1. Personal information retention

Pusher.in retains personal information in a form that allows user identification for a period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy - unless a longer retention period is required by law. Following that, we might keep your data in a non-identifiable, fully encrypted form for archival, statistical and/or other legitimate purposes.

  1. Your rights and choices

Pusher.in respects User control. Users have the right to make choices about the data that we collect and store. In line with our commitments and the applicable laws, data subjects have the right to the following: 

  • Withdraw consent: At any time, you can withdraw your consent to our processing, unless it is based on other lawful grounds or we have legal obligations to keep your data. e.g. if you delete your account, your personal data is deleted. However, if any payment obligation is still due, we keep your information and require you to fulfil your payment duties. When you pay your bills, the data is deleted.
  • Deletion, Access, and Changes to Your Data: To the extent permitted, users can amend, delete and view what personal data is being held about them. You can edit your information through the dashboard or ask us directly to update your information. The platform also gives you access to an overview of a content that you can export. Users can request us to obtain a copy of their personal information via email. Just write at info@iroot.in (Subject: Privacy). Electronic requests to receive your copy are free of charge and will be sent to you in a CSV (comma separated values) format or other applicable format. All requests will be dealt without undue delay, and within one month from notification. A further extension of this period up to three months may apply; depending on the circumstances. When you delete or you request us to delete your information, we might still be required to retain anonymised or aggregated information about you (that will not be able to identify you) for purposes limited to the extent required by law, i.e. we will not delete your data if we are legally obligated to maintain it. For example, we may retain account information for audit purposes, to prevent fraud or to enforce our Terms, and any other action otherwise permitted by law. Please note that to complete any of these requests, Pusher.in might need to identify you.
  • Cookies and tracking technologies: When you visit our website for the first time, you will be shown a small pop-up window asking you to accept our use of specific cookies and plugins. You can either click ‘accept’ or decide specifically what information you want to share with us.

Note that you can always change your preferences by referring to your Browser Setting, our Cookie Settings, and Cookie Policy below.

  1. Your obligations

When you decide to accept our terms and conditions and start to use Pusher.in’s product and service to engage your visitors (end-users) you are lawfully required to inform them on the data being shared for our product and service to fully function. Any failure to do so will give Pusher.in the right to deny you access to our product and service until the issue is resolved.

  1. Children

Our services and products are not directed to Children under the age of 18. In certain countries or jurisdictions the age of digital maturity may be set higher or lower. In these cases, you must satisfy that age to sign up. We do not knowingly collect and/or process any personal information directly from children. If we discover we have received personal information from a child, either as a customer or end user, without parental or legal consent, in violation of this Policy, our Terms, and/or the local applicable laws, we will take reasonable steps to delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe we have any of such information from or about a child, please contact us at info@iroot.in (Subject: Privacy [Children]).

  1. Links, third party websites and social networking websites

Our Online Services and communications may embed hyperlinks to other websites which are not owned nor controlled by Pusher.in. We are not responsible for the privacy practices, policies, notices or content of any Linked Sites, even if you link to them from our Services. Our Website’s Privacy Policy does not apply to any Linked Sites. We have no control over the collection, user tracking or any (mis)use of information or data on any Linked Site. We encourage you to read and understand the privacy practices, policies, notices, and content of any Linked Sites that you visit.

  1. Changes in our privacy policy

Please note that this policy might be subject to change from time to time. Pusher.in reserves the right to change, update, modify, or remove any part of this Privacy Policy. If any modifications substantially affect your rights under this policy, we will send you an email where possible. Users will be always duly informed and may decide whether to continue to use our services or not in accordance with the new terms.

  1. Disputes

If you have any dispute with us relating to our privacy practices, please contact our legal team at info@Pusher.in.com (Subject: Privacy [Dispute]). Most disputes can be resolved that way. If it cannot, please refer to the Terms, which describes how disputes will be resolved between us. Please be sure to review the Terms before you use any of our products and services.

  1. Cookie policy

Cookies are small text files which websites save on your browser when you visit a website. Pusher.in uses two types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies disappear after each session whereas persistent cookies remain stored. Keep on reading to find out how we use them, and what choices you can make about them. Most cookies can be blocked or removed from your browser at any time by following the relevant procedure specific to your browser. Please note that if you block cookies on our site, it may not function as it is designed. For example, you will be unable to log in or it may be impossible to retain any user preferences. As a result, information may appear in the wrong locale or may even be unavailable. 

  • Required cookies: Each time you log in to your Pusher.in account, a cookie containing an encrypted, unique identifier that is tied to your account is placed on your browser. These cookies allow PusBird to uniquely identify you when you’re logged into your account and to process your online requests and transactions.
  • Functional cookies: To make this site work properly and to improve its user friendliness, Pusher.in uses functional cookies. These cookies will expire after 1 year.
  • Third party cookies: We do not currently use any third party cookies.
  • Performance cookies: Pusher.in makes use of analytical cookies to keep track our visitors’ browsing patterns in order to improve our interface and your user experience. These cookies collect data about how visitors interact with our site. This data includes information such as: pages visitors go to the most and patterns most followed. All data is collected anonymously and only used to improve how the site functions and performs.
  1. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to gain insights into our website traffic and effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. With Google Analytics we track information such as: pages that are visited, for how long, what browser is used and from which pages users exit. This will give us a better understanding of how our website is used. It also serves as guidance to improve our website and its specific pages.

  • Data collected: Anonymous (Anonymous IP, Browser information, cookie data, date/time, page views)
  • Data retention period: 1 year
  • Domain: https://pusher.in