
Getting Started

With our page visit campaigns, you can! Create a new campaign of this type and select which page should be the trigger for one or more notifications to be sent. You can choose a specific page, or a group of pages which begin or end with some specific text. For example, a clothing shop could choose all jackets by selecting “page starts with” and input the text “category/jackets/”
PusherStudio offers native support for campaigns based on events available in the PusherStudio database.
You will be charged on a recurring basis, either monthly or yearly. We collect your payment details when you select your first paid plan. After each successful charge, we will send you a billing receipt. Check your user account profile to see your latest and upcoming invoices.
Yes, with our campaigns feature, you can configure multiple notification campaigns. Define rules when subscribers enter your campaign and design the timeline. You are in full control of when subscribers receive particular notifications. You can even override particular timeline settings to control specific events.
Sure you can! When creating a new Push Notification, instead of send now, hit 'save notification'. The notification will be saved as a draft which you can see in the draft notifications overview. If you want to edit your draft or push it to your subscribers, click the ''edit" icon.
You can with interval notifications. Head over to the campaigns feature and create a new campaign. Make sure to choose the campaign type interval event. Pick the frequency you would like to send notifications with and configure your timeline.
Yes, you can do this with our campaign feature. When you create a campaign, choose the type new subscriber event. Hereafter, you can design your drip campaign in the timeline.
If your website already makes use of google analytics, you can add a UTM code to the landing page URL field. If you haven’t used google analytics before, make sure to properly configure it before adding UTM codes.
If you wish to cancel your subscription, you can do so by contacting our support at After your current billing cycle ends, we will cancel your subscription.
In short, no. Our code is very basic and will not affect your website’s performance in any noticeable way.
No, they don’t! The great thing about PusherStudio is that you can send web-based Push Notifications. Once your website visitors have opted in to your Push Notifications, they will receive the notifications straight from your website, no mobile app needed.
No! We only charge the monthly or yearly fees as listed on our pricing plans. We do not have any hidden costs.
When you login to the PusherStudio portal, you will see an overview of your (in)active domains. Press the ''gear'' icon of the domain you want to edit so you can start configuring your domain settings. Screenshot of the domain dashboard in the PusherStudio portal You can edit several things: The name and URL of your domain (Press the ''pencil'' icon on the right of your domain name). The domain name and URL listed here are for your own reference only. If you want to switch the domain you use PusherStudio on, your current subscribers will not be transferred to your new domain. Please contact us at to transfer your subscribers. (Paid plans) The notification image. Upload an image which will be shown on every notification sent from the selected domain. (Paid plans) The custom opt-in message. Here you can change the title and body text of your custom opt-in request.
On your PusherStudio portal, you will see "reports" in the dashboard. You can analyze the performance of each individual Push Notification you have sent. Each row in the table represents one of your messages. You are able to see the title of your message, how many subscribers received the message, how many of them opened the message, and finally what the click-through-rate is. You can use these statistics to improve your notification performance.
It's super easy to use PusherStudio on popular CMS vendors. For every domain you want to use PusherStudio on, generate an API key in the domain settings. Copy this API key and input it in your CMS. We currently support: - Magento 2 - WordPress ‍- BigCommerce - WooCommerce - Shopify (coming soon!)
To use PusherStudio, your website needs to be HTTPS-enabled. HTTPS makes your website more secure by encrypting the traffic between your server and your visitors. If your website is already HTTPS-enabled, great! If not, keep reading. You have two options to add HTTPS to your website. The first option is that you ask your hosting provider to activate it for you. The second option is that you obtain an SSL certificate yourself, which can be done for free via Let’s Encrypt. Subsequently, create an account with PusherStudio or Sign In. Go to your domain > Configuration > Installation. You could choose for manual installations or installation for extensions. With the extension, you only need to install and configure it, no need to go through the steps of 'Default Installation'. If you want to install PusherStudio manually, download the Javascript file and add the file to the root directory of your website’s source code. If you manage the content of your website yourself, you can insert the files into the root folder. If you use a third party CMS such as Wordpress, you can add the files via the CMS portal. The last step is including the code snippet we generated for you in the of your website. Similar to the Javascript file, you can either add this yourself in the index.html, or input it via your CMS. You can verify if you set everything up correctly by navigating to If you do not get a 404 error, everything should be working! That’s all, your website is now ready to send Push Notifications!
With PusherStudio, you can easily send scheduled notifications. Navigate to the Push Notifications tab in your portal and create a new notification like you're used to. Complete step 1 'compose' and click 'next' to go to step 2. Below the 'vibration pattern' field, you can switch on the 'scheduled sending' button and select an exact date and time to send your notification. Mind the time zone you're in which is listed above the date/time selector, and make sure you correctly select AM or PM time. When you're done, select 'Save Notification' (right corner). The notification is now saved to your scheduled menu!
You can send a Push Notification in a few easy steps. Select the domain you want to send Push Notifications from. Next up, go to “notifications” in the sidebar menu and follow the steps to create a Push Notification. Give your notification a name, provide it with a message title, body text, destination URL, and a button text. In step two, you can provide the notification with a Time to Live and a Vibration pattern. A mobile preview is shown immediately and by pressing “Test Now”, you can preview the notification on a laptop/desktop. Subsequently, save the notification as a draft, schedule the notification, or send it directly.
Every time a website visitor allows you to send them Push Notifications via PusherStudio, (s)he clicks "allow" on their browser prompt. This action triggers the creation of a subscription object which PusherStudio receives. Using this, we can reach your subscriber's browser. Each of these subscription objects has a status, active or inactive. With every Push Notification you send, we check the subscription status. Every active subscription object counts as a subscriber in your plan. In your portal, you have an overview of your active subscribers and your Push Notification performance.
We care deeply about your and your end-users’ privacy. We ensure GDPR compliance at all times. PusherStudio does not collect any personal information of your end-users. We do collect some of your personal information, which you can read more about in our privacy policy.
The domain, on which you implement PusherStudio, will affect where your website visitors are requested to opt-in to Push Notifications. In most scenarios, you want to ask your visitors to opt-in on your homepage, which is the top-level domain. To enable Push Notifications on your website, you should first register a domain. In your PusherStudio portal, click “New domain”. You can now enter a name to recognize your domain and the URL of your domain. Click 'Save' to confirm your domain. You can now further configure your domain.
The easiest way to unsubscribe from the Push Notifications is to clear the cache from your browser. Clear your browser cache by doing the following: 1. Open your browser 2. Go to settings 3. Find the option to clear your browser history/data 4. Delete all or recent data. After you've deleted your browser cache, you won't receive push notifications any more from the websites you've opted-in. If you ever decide to receive Push Notifications again, simply go to the website you wish to receive Push Notifications from and opt-in again.
If you forgot your password, you can reset it at the login page. Simply click “forgot your password?” below the login fields and you will be sent a link to reset your password. If you still can’t login to your account, contact support at, with subject “account”.
We currently only accept credit cards, namely VISA, MasterCard, and American Express. We are actively working towards adding support for more payment methods such as PayPal and iDeal. Contact us at if you have other payment requirements.
We take the utmost care in protecting your data. Your payment details are completely processed by our payment service provider who is PCI DSS compliant. All communication goes through HTTPS connections which are RSA-encrypted.
Yes, you can! Navigate to your account management page in the PusherStudio portal. Here you can upgrade your plan. If you’re coming from a free plan, we will collect your payment details. Otherwise, your upgraded plan will immediately become effective after successful payment!
We will notify you when you reach 50%, 80%, and 100% of your plan’s subscriber limit, so you will have plenty of time to consider an upgrade. We will send you an alert in your user profile so you always know! If you do hit the 100% limit, we will still register new subscribers for a limited period. However, you won’t be able to send them Push Notifications. When you upgrade your plan, these ‘sleeping’ subscribers will be reactivated.
In some cases, it may occur that your visitors reject the custom opt-in and browser notification. There are two scenarios: A visitor can reject the first Push Notification opt-in. A visitor can accept the opt-in and block the browser notification. For the first scenario, the visitor is still able to accept the opt-in by refreshing the page or during his next visit to the website. In case the second scenario occurs and the visitor blocked Push Notifications but changes his mind and wants to accept Push Notifications, the best way to fix this problem is to clear the browser cache. If he decides to clear his cache, he should do the following; 1. Open up the browser 2. Go to settings 3. Find the setting to clear the browser data/history.
Don't worry if you don't know how to install PusherStudio yourself. We have built in a useful function named Brief my Developer, inside the PusherStudio Dashboard. This way, you can ask a technical person (developer) in your area whether they want to do the installation for you. If you still can't figure it out, contact our Support or follow the Manual installation guide.
No need to worry, you can edit the domain from the settings page and add the correct domain name. This will not affect any running operations.
You can choose a vibration pattern for the device’s vibration hardware to emit when the notification fires. At the moment, this functionality is supported by Chrome, Opera, and Samsung browsers on Android up to version O.
Time to Live The Time to Live value controls the period PusherStudio tries to deliver a message to your subscribers. This is especially useful for non-mobile devices which are not always online. You can reduce the TTL for time-sensitive messages. That way, your subscribers won’t receive the messages after it stopped being relevant. The maximum duration of a TTL messages can be set to 28 days (40320 minutes).
We support all major browsers, including: Chrome (Desktop + Mobile) Firefox (Desktop + Mobile) Microsoft Edge (Desktop) Opera (Desktop + Mobile) Safari for Mac Please note that iOS does not currently support Web Push Notifications. As soon as Apple provides support for iOS, we will implement this for use with PusherStudio.
There can be a few reasons for this. First, check if you correctly embedded our code into your website. Next up, check if your domain is spelled correctly in the PusherStudio settings. Finally, you might have exceeded your plan limit, consider upgrading to a higher plan!
This could have a variety of reasons. Please make sure that: You have opted in to Push Notifications on your domain You are not browsing in incognito (Chrome) or private (Firefox, Safari, Opera) mode Your device is online Your device is not in battery saving mode, preventing background processes You haven’t cleared your browser data PS: Be aware that iOS does not allow sending Push Notifications yet. Therefore, iOS users won't see the opt-in message nor receive any Push Notifications.
This can happen if the PusherStudio code snippet on your website has been added more than once or if you have added multiple snippets from different Web Push Notification service providers. Make sure to delete all pre-existing Push Notification Javascript files before using PusherStudio. Moreover, always make sure you are using the latest PusherStudio code. Finally, empty your site cache and reverse proxies such as CloudFlare if being used. PS: iOS does not allow sending Push Notifications yet. Therefore, you won't be able to see the opt-in request on iOS devices.
Multi user means that you can have multiple users within one PusherStudio account. These users can all work together on the same domain, notifications and campaigns.
Yes you can! With our Business plan you can add five users to your PusherStudio account and with the Enterprise plan you can even add 15 users. Every user can use the PusherStudio portal at the same time.
Yes, definitely! All you need to do is include our import script to the first line of your service worker file and have our snippet added to the of your website. However, please note you can not use multiple push notification services at the same time. Make sure there is only one service using the Push API
We now charge tax on top of the subscription price. If you are a business, you can remit the tax from your local tax authority.
Make sure you have entered a company name. Besides that, ensure the format of the tax id is in accordance with the selected country.
Yes. Any change to the billing details will be applied from the first upcoming invoice and onwards.
Yes. Please contact Customer support in order to make this change
Yes, we do. You will receive a compliant invoice which you can use for your administration.
When you upgrade your subscription, you are pro-rated any unused time on your old plan. The pro-rated amount is exclusive of any tax. On the new plan, you will pay less tax for the first month, as the tax is calculated over the new fee minus the pro-rated amount. In total, the amounts add up and the correct amount of tax is paid.